
Longbarrow Press has recorded some of the poems and sequences featured in The Footing. Click on the orange ‘Play’ button to listen to these recordings:

Pilgrimage: Part One (recorded live at Bank Street Arts, Sheffield, 14 June 2014). Poems: Three Night Walks: III (Andrew Hirst); The Bench (Angelina Ayers); Death and the Gallant I: The Adoration of the Magi (Chris Jones); From from a St Juliot to Beyond a Beeny: Kilometre 2 (Mark Goodwin); Parish (James Caruth).

Fay Musselwhite reads ‘Impasse’ (from ‘Breach’)

James Caruth reads ‘Memorial’ (from ‘Tithes’)

Angelina Ayers reads ‘Ball Street Bridge’ (from ‘The Strait’)

A sound-walk through The Footing (featuring spoken contributions from the poets and narration by Emma Bolland):

James Caruth reads the first poem in ‘Tithes’:

Chris Jones reads the first poem in ‘Death and the Gallant’:

Angelina Ayers reads ‘The Bench’ (from ‘The Strait’)

Mark Goodwin reads an extract from ‘From a St Juliot…’

Fay Musselwhite reads ‘Path Kill’ (from ‘Breach’)

Andrew Hirst reads the last of his ‘Three Night Walks’

Rob Hindle reads his long poem ‘Princess Street to the Wicker’

Many of the recordings were made in the places to which the poems refer; some, like Rob Hindle’s Princess Street to the Wicker, move through several locations to evoke the sense of a journey made on foot.

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